Services & Fees

Private Occupational Therapy Services

Initial OT Assessment £500 (Inclusive of Sensory Assessment where required) Includes: 

  • Up to 2 hours face to face assessment time in your own home
  • Therapy Programme with handouts and video tutorials where needed
  • A comprehensive report detailing all functional areas assessed

Initial Assessments are usually carried out at the child’s home, with further reviews being held at the child’s school/nursery/other locations where required and appropriate. We use observational, play based assessment- although it may look like we are just playing, we are actually assessing a whole range of skills! We also use standardised assessments where appropriate.  Where Sensory assessments are required, The Sensory Profile 2 and informal play-based assessment in the child’s own environment is usually used. 

We believe in empowering parents and caregivers in order that they essentially “become the Therapists” with the right support and guidance.  Interventions on home or school based therapy programmes should easily fit into already established routines.  Some interventions will require demonstration and practise and unless there are exceptional circumstances this is usually included within the price of the Initial Assessment. Video tutorials and handouts are often provided. 

Review Assessments 

Following an Initial Assessment, reviews usually take place every 1 to 4 months. This will be individual to each child and will be agreed in conjunction with the family and caregivers.  Therapy Programmes will be reviewed and updated as necessary to ensure interventions remain relevant to your child’s needs, abilities and progress.  Review assessments can take place at any location deemed necessary and appropriate (please note travel costs below).  It is often beneficial to observe the child within a range of environments (e.g. home, school/nursery, leisure outings etc) throughout the course of therapy. The price for this will vary depending on how much has changed within the reassessment period, and is broken down as follows:

  • Contact time: £70/hour. Reassessments usually take no more 60-90 minutes.
  • Therapy Programme review & update, plus a summary letter of any observations & changes made: £70.
  • Comprehensive report of all functional areas assessed & current abilities, plus updated Therapy Programme: £140.

OT Screening/Developmental Check (approx. 30 minutes) £30

Early intervention is key.  It is important if you have any concerns regarding your baby or child’s development,  that these be raised with a health professional as early as possible.  Often parents may be concerned about delayed milestones; there are large windows in which milestones are achieved and sometimes it helps to get some reassurance.  For this reason we have introduced a developmental screening telephone call.  For example you may have a query relating to a specific concern such as behaviour during play,  potty training, or an area of motor skill development.  If, following on from the screening, it appears that OT input is not necessary, we can offer some short recommendations on how to support your child’s typical development.  Please note, in the event that an Initial Assessment is required, the screening fee will be deducted from your Initial Assessment cost.

Tailored OT assessments  

From time to time, a full OT assessment may not be required (this will be fully discussed at the point of referral/screening).  All children are different and some may need support on a very targeted area. If this is the case, and a full OT assessment is not required, a cost reflective of time spent on assessment and report writing will be agreed.

Therapy Blocks. Starting from £550 for 6 weeks (dependent on type of intervention)

We can offer Therapy Blocks at home, school or in the outdoors for a variety of target areas as identified in your initial  assessment report. For example, fine and gross motor skills,  handwriting, emotional literacy and regulation, interoceptive processing, activities of daily living/self-care and social communication. We currently use The Speed Up Programme for Handwriting by Lois Addy, Write from the Start by Ion Teodorescu, and The Interoception Curriculum by Kelly Mahler.  In 2023 we started offering Eco Sensory Therapy sessions, held in nature at various locations. We often combine the Interoception Curriculum with Eco Sensory Therapy which has produced some wonderful outcomes for the children and families who have attended.  All therapy blocks are usually offered over the course of 6 sessions and interoception work requires a minimum commitment of 12-18 sessions.

Caregiver Workshops

From time to time I run workshops to help support and educate caregivers on various topics. These have included After-School Restraint Collapse Workshops delivered with the wonderful Chameleon Education & Well-being Services. and sensory processing workshops. If you are interested in holding a workshop at your setting or at your home with a group of parents, do get in touch for availability and quote.

TRAVEL COSTS FOR ALL SERVICES: £30 per hour is charged for travel time to your home/school, plus 45p per mile.